Deepika Padukone is enjoying the best moments of life these days as she is pregnant. Meanwhile, Deepika has shared many photos of herself, but so far she has not shared photos of her baby bump. However, now the actress has shared the first photo in which her baby bump is visible. First Deepika shared the photo on Instagram story and now she has shown off her baby bump in a proper post. Despite the photo blur, the baby bump is clearly visible.
What is in the photo?
In the photo, you will see that Deepika is wearing a black bodycon dress and her baby bump is clearly visible. Along with this, she also shared a photo of herself smiling and in the third photo, she is seen smiling and holding her baby bump. Sharing the pictures, Deepika wrote, Ok…now I’m hungry.
People’s reaction
Many beautiful comments are coming from fans on Deepika’s photos. Everyone is commenting on her cuteness and baby bump. Some fans are commenting for Deepika that she should not be seen. Some are writing that the pregnancy glow is clearly visible on Deepika.
Click on 2898 Ad Movie
Let us tell you that Deepika is now going to be seen in the film Kalki 2898 AD and she has reached the promotional event of this film. The trailer of the film was released a few days ago and it was well liked. The film has Amitabh Bachchan, Prabhas and Kamal Haasan in important roles along with Deepika.
Singham again
Apart from this, she will also be seen in the film Singham Ejal in which she is playing the role of a police officer. Directed by Rohit Shetty, the film also stars Deepika Padukone, Ranveer Singh, Ajay Devgan, Akshay Kumar, Ranveer Singh, Kareena Kapoor Khan and Arjun Kapoor.