Alia Bhatt has shared a photo of Raha Kapoor with Ranbir Kapoor for the first time, which doesn’t need a caption.

Alia Bhatt has shared a photo of Raha Kapoor with Ranbir Kapoor for the first time, which doesn’t need a caption.

Alia Bhatt shared a photo of Raha Kapoor with Ranbir Kapoor for the first time, which doesn't need a caption

Alia Bhatt has shared a photo with Ranbir and Rahani for the first time

New Delhi:

Alia Bhatt posted pictures with her grandfather and father on Father’s Day, with a special caption that caught the attention of fans. But fans were waiting for Ranbir Kapoor and Raha’s Father’s Day post. But of late Alia Bhatt has gifted fans. The actress has shared a photo of Ranbir Kapoor and Raha Kapoor with fans for the first time. Fans are seen reacting and showering lots of love after seeing this photo.

With no caption needed, Alia Bhatt shared a photo with yellow heart and flower emojis, in which Ranbir can be seen in a green sweatshirt and trousers with a cap on his head, holding Raha’s hand in a yellow frock. is visible. Fans are seen reacting after seeing this photo.

One social media user wrote, Alia’s favorite view. Another user wrote, Very cute. A third user wrote, Ranbir with his coconut tree. While the fourth user wrote Daddy’s Girl. A fifth user wrote, So cute in one frame and if you were there it would have been different.

Notably, after recently becoming an actress and producer, Alia Bhatt on Sunday announced that she has turned author with a children’s picture book ‘The Adventures of Ed-A-Mamma: Ed Finds a Home’.

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