YouTubers Armaan Malik, Payal Malik and Kritika Malik who appeared as contestants in Bigg Boss OTT 3 are being talked about a lot. Many videos and photos about these three are going viral. Now a video has surfaced in which Kritika said something about herself that no one expected. In fact, he has roasted himself for being his second wife.
Kritika said that her husband uses others
In the video, you will see that Kritika Malik, Paulami Das and Armaan Malik are together in the bathroom area. Meanwhile Paulami asks Armaan and Kritika do you guys use each other’s towels? On this Armaan says if yes then what happened. If we are husband and wife we do it. What not to do? Paulami refuses. Then Kritika comes there and says when I use someone else’s husband it is like a towel. Paulami laughs loudly hearing Kritika’s words.
People’s reaction
However, Armaan and Payal’s reaction to this is not known. Well, Kritika is getting mixed reactions on social media. Some are laughing at Kritika’s answer while some trolled Kritika and said that this is not a good thing.
Armaan is being trolled
Let us tell you that Armaan, Payal and Kritika are being trolled because these three keep justifying their relationship after appearing on the show. Many people are making many negative comments about Armaan. Recently a video was released in which Sana Maqbool asks Armaan if he had an affair with Kritika after marrying Payal, Armaan says that Payal did, but I don’t accept it. After this statement of Armaan, he is being trolled a lot.