‘Bigg Boss OTT 3’ is scheduled to air on Jio Cinemas from June 21. This time it is not Salman Khan but Anil Kapoor who is going to host the show. It is being said that some changes have been made in the concept of the show along with the host of the show. Now what these changes are will be known only on 21st June. Know the names of the eight confirmed members till then.
Anjum Faqih
Anjum Faqih, who was seen in ‘Ek Tha Raja Ek Thi Rani’ and ‘Kundli Bhagya’, will now be seen in ‘Bigg Boss OTT 3’, reports Times Now.
Sonam Khan
Sonam Khan is going to make a comeback with ‘Bigg Boss OTT 3’. Let us tell you that Sonam started working in films in 1987. He worked with many celebs including Govinda, Jackie Shroff, Sanjay Dutt, Naseeruddin Shah and then retired from films in 1994. Now it is making its debut on OTT after almost 30 years.
Sana Maqbool
Sana Maqbool, who made her Telugu film debut in 2014, is also going to be a part of Hindi Bigg Boss.
Sultan of Sana
Sana Sultan is an actress. She was seen in Milind Gaba’s ‘Kapal’ and B Prak’s ‘Ruhedariyan’.
Chandrika Gera Dixit
Chandrika Gera Dixit, popularly known as the Vadapav girl on Instagram, is also going to participate in Bigg Boss OTT 3.
Dolly Chaiwala
It is being said that viral Chai Wala will also be seen in Anil Kapoor’s show along with the viral Vadapav girl.
Sagar Thakur
YouTuber Sagar Thakur is also going to participate in the third season of Bigg Boss OTT. Let us tell you that Sagar Thakur has come into the limelight due to his controversy with Bigg Boss OTT 2 winner Elvish Yadav.
Sai Ketan Roy
Sai Ketan Rai who played Agastya in ‘Imli’ is also going to be a part of Bigg Boss OTT 3.