The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) will interview former Indian cricketer Gautam Gambhir for the post of head coach of the men’s cricket team. Some reports claim that Gambhir’s interview will be conducted by the Cricket Advisory Committee. The CAC includes former cricketers Ashok Malhotra, Jatin Paranjpe and Sulakshana Naik. Apart from this, the interview of the candidate for the post of selector in place of Salil Ankola will also be held today. According to IANS, BCCI secretary Jai Shah and other officials will conduct the interview. A source close to BCCI told INS, “Gauthi (Gautam Gambhir) will reach Mumbai today around 12 noon for an interview at the BCCI headquarters. It is almost confirmed that he will be the next head coach of Team India. The terms presented have been accepted and about the head coach. Information will be released soon.
Gambhir has made several demands to the BCCI for the position of head coach, such as full control over the team, separate teams for white and red balls, which INS understands the BCCI has accepted and is keen to appoint. BCCI had invited applications for the post of head coach, the closing date of which was May 27. According to the job description, the new India Men’s head coach will be from July 2024 to December 2027 for all three formats.
Rahul Dravid’s contract as India’s head coach began after the 2021 T20 World Cup in November and ends with the 2023 ODI World Cup on home soil. However, it was extended till this year’s T20 World Cup tournament. Recently Gautam Gambhir suggested during an event, ‘There is no greater honor than coaching the national team.’ The 42-year-old said, “I would love to coach the Indian team. There is no greater honor than coaching your national team. You are representing 140 crore Indians and people from all over the world.”
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