New Delhi. So the news that Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal are ready to tie the knot has been confirmed. There were reports that Sonakshi’s family was not happy with the marriage. Sonakshi sent wedding invitations all over the world, but neither father Shatrughan Sinha nor mother Pooman took any advice. Bhai Love is also not happy with this step of his sister. But, Shatrughan Sinha proved all these reports completely wrong when he himself arrived at Samadhi’s house along with his wife Poonam and was seen posing with his future son-in-law i.e. Zaheer Iqbal. However, people are trolling Sonakshi after seeing her expression.
Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal will tie the knot after two days i.e. on 23rd June. Her parents are also going to share in the daughter’s happiness. Last night, Shatrughan Sinha reached Samadhi’s house with wife Poonam, the video of which is now going viral. After watching this video, fans are trolling both Sonakshi and Zaheer.
‘Shotgun’ soon reached Samadhi’s house
Actually, a video of Shatrughan Sinha has surfaced on Instagram. Shatrughan Sinha is seen with future son-in-law Zaheer Iqbal in this video. Last night, Shatrughan Sinha along with his wife Poonam Singh arrived at his fiance Iqbal Ratanasi’s house, where the paps spotted him. The paps asked both Poonam and Shatrughan to pose, but Poonam ignored the paps and moved on. At the same time, Shatrughan Sinha stayed with his future son-in-law and posed for the paps.