Fans of Bollywood actress and now Lok Sabha MP from Mandi Kangana Ranaut’s film Emergency have been waiting for a long time. Now actress Kangana Ranaut has told her fans the new release date of the film. In this film, Kangana Ranaut will be seen in the role of former Prime Minister of India Indira Gandhi. Kangana Ranaut herself has given information about the release date of her upcoming film Emergency. Kangana Ranaut’s film will hit theaters in September 2024.
When will Kangana’s film release?
While sharing the new poster of the film, Kangana Ranaut informed that the film will release on September 06, 2024. While sharing the poster, Kangana wrote the caption – “As the 50th year of independent India’s darkest chapter begins, Kangana Ranaut’s ‘Emergency’ hits theaters on 6 September 2024. The most controversial episode in the history of Indian democracy.”
The release date of the film was postponed several times.
The release date of Kangana Ranaut’s film has been postponed many times before. The release date of this film has been postponed three times. The film was initially slated to release in October 2023. After this, the date was postponed and it was said that the film will release on 24 November 2023. After this, the film was said to release on June 14. Now this film is going to release on September 06.
People commented on Kangana’s post
Kangana’s fans are excited about her film. People are writing in the comments that they are waiting to see Kangana’s film. Along with this, her fans are also saying that Kangana Ranaut can also get the National Award for this film.
However, some people in Kangana’s comment section are calling this film a flop even before its release. An Insta user wrote that the film will flop. At the same time, another Instagram user wrote – Another flop is about to be released.