The trailer of ‘Surfira’ has been released. People are liking the trailer of Akshay Kumar and Paresh Rawal’s film. After watching the trailer, they are writing one thing on social media, ‘Akshay Kumar is back.’ Let us tell you that the story of Akshay Kumar’s film is based on Captain GR Gopinath and it will be released in theaters across the country on July 12.
‘Sarafira’ is a remake of ‘Surarai Potru’.
Akshay’s film is an official remake of the National Award winning Tamil film ‘Soorai Potru’. ‘Sarafira’ is directed by Sudha Kongara, who directed ‘Surarai Potru’. Suriya and Aparna Balamurali played the lead roles in ‘Surarai Potru’, while Akshay Kumar and Radhika Madan are playing the lead roles in ‘Sarafira’.
What are the public saying?
People seem very impressed with the trailer of Akshay Kumar’s film. He is praising the film on social media. One user wrote, ‘This looks like a very good movie.’ Another user wrote, ‘Akshay Kumar is back. Akshay Kumar whom we have been missing till now is back in the limelight. A third user wrote, ‘Akshay Kumar is back with a new look and a new passion.’ Watch the trailer here.
Who is Captain GR Gopinath?
GR Gopinath has served in the Army. He remained in the army till the Bangladesh war in 1971. After this he retired from the army at the age of 28. With the help of friends, he tried his hand at several businesses such as sericulture and hospitality, but gained fame when he started a low-cost airline in India. Captain Gopinath founded Air Deccan in August 2003, but over time the company’s losses mounted and it became difficult for the company to keep pace with rising costs. In such a situation, Captain Gopinath sold Air Deccan to Vijay Mallya’s company Kingfisher in 2007.