New Delhi. The third season of the popular web series ‘Panchayat’ is making a lot of headlines these days. His story has won the hearts of people. Faisal Malik has once again emerged as Prahlad Cha in the series. Folk songs are being read in praise of his performance. Faisal Malik in an interview some time ago said that he lost his job after meeting Amitabh Bachchan and there is an interesting story behind it.
During a conversation with The Llantop, Faisal Malik narrated the story of his meeting with Amitabh Bachchan. He said, ‘I was very excited that I was going to meet Amitabh Bachchan. When I met Amitabh Bachchan, I said, whatever the job, I will take his autograph first. I gave him my copy for autograph. I thought I don’t know if I have time after this.
Amitabh Bachchan ordered Sesame Ladoo
Faisal Malik further said, ‘Food keeps coming to its place. One dish will not finish, another will come. I told him sir, I am also from Allahabad. He asked what else is going on, is everything fine? He asked me if I would like to eat Sesame Ladoo. I thought sesamum ladoo was coming, but sir won’t be able to eat it, now where will his teeth be left. Well, you shouldn’t say sorry.