Ultra Marathon Comerets-2024: India’s Rahul shines in South Africa, completes 86 km in 8 hours 50 minutes

Ultra Marathon Comerets-2024: India’s Rahul shines in South Africa, completes 86 km in 8 hours 50 minutes

Nisha Rathore/Udaipur. Ultra runner Rahul Ranka, a member of Mewari Runners of Udaipur, participated in the Ultra Marathon Comraets-2024 organized in South Africa. For the first time Rahul Ranka from Udaipur has shown the courage to participate in this complex marathon which is held every year in the city of Durban, South Africa. Iron Man Jitendra Patel, Mewadi Runners Cyclist Lavdev Bagri and Digvijay Singh also joined as a team to encourage Rahul in the ultra marathon. Who continuously boosted Rahul during the 86 km run.

Jitendra Patel said that this ultra marathon started at 5:30 am i.e. 8:30 am Indian time in Durban, in which 23 thousand competitors participated. Patel said that a cut off time of 12 hours was fixed for this 86 km ultra marathon. The marathon started from Durban city and ended in Pietermaritzburg, the next city 86 km from the city, in which the 900 meters of altitude was a big challenge but Rahul completed the task in 8 hours 50 minutes.

Created an identity abroad
Rahul Ranka is a member of Cycling Club of Udaipur and tourists visiting here are also inspired to take up cycling by him. Marathons on various social issues are also organized in Udaipur. This is the first time he has made a name for himself by going abroad.

First published: June 14, 2024, 15:56 IST

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