New Delhi. Bollywood actress Harleen Sethi got recognition from Ekta Kapoor’s popular web series ‘Broken But Beautiful’. Harleen appeared in two seasons of the series opposite Vikrant Massey in the lead role. The two actors playing the roles of Veer and Sameer in the web series ‘Broken But Beautiful’ left a huge impression on the hearts of the viewers. Even today, viewers fondly remember his character and their amazing chemistry in the show. Viewers are eagerly waiting for Harleen Sethi and Vikrant Massey’s pair to return on screen, but in a recent conversation with NEWS18’s Shosha, Harleen said that her and Vikrant’s story is over.
Recently, ‘Broken But Beautiful Season 5’ was announced by Ekta Kapoor, but a day before the announcement of this series, actress Harleen Sethi told NEWS18 Shosha in an exclusive conversation that she wants to make a comeback with this popular franchise, but she feels That their story i.e. Veer and Sameera’s story is over.
The actress continued, ‘I don’t think this is happening, I think Veer and Sameera’s story has been there and that’s where it ends. I’d like to see how his journey progresses, but I don’t think there’s anything in the pipeline. But never say anything, anything can happen.
Ekta won’t make ‘Broken But Beautiful’ season 4
Harleen Sethi and Vikrant Massey played the lead roles in the first and second seasons of ‘Broken But Beautiful’. Siddharth Shukla and Sonia Rathi played the lead roles in the third season of this popular show. Last Saturday, Ekta Kapoor had said that she is going to revive the franchise, but after the death of Siddharth Shukla, she will not replace him in season 4 of the show but will do season 5 directly.
Vicky Kaushal was dating Harleen
Let us tell you that before marrying Katrina Kaif, Vicky Kaushal was dating actress Harleen Sethi. The couple was seen together during the screening of the first season of the web series ‘Broken But Beautiful’, but later the two separated and Vicky Kaushal moved on with his life.
Tags: Bollywood actress, entertainment news., Vicky Kaushal
First published: June 11, 2024, 13:33 IST