Rohit Sharma’s Dance Viral Video: Captain After Becoming T-20 Cricket World Champion Rohit Sharma special He came in style to collect the World Cup trophy, the video of which is doing the rounds on social media. The 37-year-old Indian captain went on to collect the title trophy like WWE Superstar Ric Flair, winning the hearts of the fans, while other players were delighted to see Rohit’s style. Former captain Virat Kohli’s reaction when Rohit was doing this was worth watching. At the same time, Surya also supported the captain and was seen following the dance moves. Fans are commenting heavily on this video.
Let us tell you that India batted first and scored 176 runs in the final. For India, Virat Kohli played an innings of 76 runs while Akshar Patel scored 47 runs. On the other hand, the South African team could score only 169 runs in 20 overs. Kohli’s batting was important in India’s victory. Virat got the player of the match title.
Rohit retired from T20Is
After winning the T20 World Cup, Indian captain Rohit Sharma, like Virat Kohli, bid adieu to T20 international cricket saying that now is the right time to leave. Kohli also retired from the format after the seven-run win in the final against South Africa. Rohit said in the press conference after the match that this was my last match too. This is the right time to say goodbye. I wanted to win the title at any cost, I can’t express it in words. He said, “That’s what I wanted and that’s what happened. I was desperate for this in my life. Glad we won this time.”