A video of Arbaaz Khan and his father Salim Khan is going viral. Although the video is from one of Arbaaz’s shows, it has now been shared with the uncut version. Meanwhile, Salim revealed how he made a decision about Arbaaz and Salman Khan during his relationship with his second wife Helen. He sent both of them away from home.
Why are you sent to boarding school?
In this video shared on Bollywood Hungama, Arbaaz asks Salim why he sent Arbaaz and Salman to boarding school when he was in a relationship with Helen. On this Salim said, this was the only way so that your studies would not be affected. It is clear that these things affect your studies. But I also brought you back in 2 years.
How to handle relationships
Arbaaz again says you handled everything and left no one. On this Salim said, the big thing at that time was that my intention was expressive. My intention was focused on my children, my family members and everyone else. He knew he could not leave the family. First of all your mother accepted him and then he started coming and going and then everyone got on well.
Salim further said, ‘Many people have tried this relationship in films and may have tried it outside. But no one can do that because you have to give everything equally which is very difficult.
About his marriage with Salma, Salim said, ‘Salma used to live opposite where she used to live. We talked and started meeting. Then one day I told Salman that enough of meeting secretly, now I want to meet your parents. Then I met Salma’s parents and they refused for the marriage as they had different religions. I was 24 years old at that time and I told him that there may be 1760 problems between me and your daughter, but there will never be any problem about religion. After this, Salman and I had a court marriage, but Salman’s father did not accept our relationship for 10 years. He met us after the birth of his youngest son Sohail.