In Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai, Abhira will try to convince Madhav. Abhira will try to send Madhav back to Vidya. However, Madhav refuses to go to Pauddar’s house. Abhira will be upset. She would say to herself, ‘I had to stay away from Armaan and now I am staying at Armaan’s real mother’s house. Trying to bring father and mother together. I’m in that pain again.
Vidya will spread her bag in front of Dadi
Here Madhav will be steadfast. On the other hand, Vidya will bet against Dadi-Sa. Actually, before pooja Dadi will raise her hand to meet Vidya’s demand, but Vidya stops her. Vidya would spread her bag in front of her grandmother and say, ‘I don’t want my husband’s sign, I want my husband. Bring Madhavji back home, mother.’
Armaan will get angry
Grandma will be surprised. At first he stops Vidya from making a scene in front of everyone, but when Vidya doesn’t agree, he blames Abhira like a grandmother. He will say that he neither kicked Madhav out of the house nor refused to come back home. It is Abhira who holds Madhav. Armaan will get angry after listening to Dadi. Armaan will accuse Daadi-sa of being selfish. She will tell grandmother that she doesn’t want Madhav to come back. He will promise his mother that he will bring Madhav back home.
Charu’s video call
Armaan will go to Madhav. He will tell Madhav about Vidya, but Madhav refuses to go to Pauddar’s house. He will say that he will not go anywhere leaving Abhira alone. Armaan will give in to Madhav’s stubbornness. He will go to Pauddar House alone. After Armaan leaves, Abhira tries to convince Madhav, but Madhav remains firm on his decision. Meanwhile, Abhira will receive a video call from Charu. Charu will tell Abhira about Vidya and show Vidya’s status on video call. In such a situation, Pauddar will decide to go back home to meet Abhira, Vidya and Madhav again.