Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai Spoiler Alert: The upcoming episode of the TV serial ‘Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai’ is going to be very interesting. A new promo video of the show has been released in which Abhira is shown going to Udaipur in a bus. Viewers of this TV serial starring Garvita Sadhwani, Rohit Purohit and Samriddhi Shukla have long wanted to know the answer to the question whether Abhira and Armaan’s love story will end. Now that Armaan realizes that he loves Abhira, things start moving in a completely different direction.
Abhira left the city
Even before the wedding, Abhira has decided to move away from the Pauddar house and her love Armaan. Because he feels there is no use staying here now, as Armaan Pauddar and Ruhi are going to get married. In the new promo video, Abhira is shown living the same moment her mother lived a long time ago. Abhira is shown going to the city in a bus. But will the story happen in the same way as what happened to his mother?
Then the story took the same turn
Viewers following the story from last season know that Abhira’s mother Akshara also left for Mussoorie from Udaipur in a similar bus after being scolded by the family. Now in this season his daughter is also shown living this moment. The new promo video shows Abhira sitting in a bus thinking that her love, Armaan will perform the wedding ceremony with Ruhi, which she wanted to do with her.
Ruhi will get another big chance
On one hand, Abhira is shedding tears thinking about her Armaan, and on the other hand, when Armaan finds out that Abhira has left the city, it remains to be seen what will happen to him. Armaan and Abhira’s love story is going to get hit once again. Because as soon as Ruhi finds out that Abhira is gone, she will once again start trying to win Armaan over to her side. As she tried to make Armaan fall in love with Rohit after his disappearance.
Anuj will be embarrassed because of Adhya! Will Vanraj insult you and kick you out of the house?
Anupama will know Adhya’s truth, Anu will bring her spoiled daughter to her senses.